Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dem Senator: Election Year Not Ideal For Gun Debate

Image of Dem Senator: Election Year Not Ideal For Gun Debate
  • Raúl Grijalva

    "My first thoughts are with the families of the people killed or injured in last night's terrible attack," Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement Friday. "At such moments, words can offer little relief and comfort. I extend my sympathies and support to them nonetheless. There is very little most of us can do in the wake of such a tragedy, except hope the wounded recover and give the families time and space to grieve. We would be remiss if we did less. I only wish I were able to do more. "This is not the first time such a horrific crime has been visited on a peaceful community. Unfortunately, it may not be the last. When the time comes, we owe it not only to the dead and wounded but to our national community to have a conversation about violence and weapons that is respectful, honest and productive. That conversation should neither start too soon nor be postponed indefinitely. When we have it, and we will, we should be careful not to rely too much on clichés. These attacks, like all violence, cause great pain, and that pain will not heal if we are not honest about it. "As much comfort, support and fellowship as I can offer to the people of Aurora, I humbly offer today. They have done nothing to bring this tragedy to their community. All we can do now is try to help them, and each other, bear the pain of it. Grieving is often long, but grief is not permanent. As a nation, our solemn duty is to help bring them through this period of grief and mourning without expectation, without excessive need for answers, and without judgment. If we take time, I believe we can do that much."

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