Friday, November 9, 2012

The First, And Perhaps Last, Post-Citizens United Democrat

WASHINGTON -- There has been post-election glee among Democrats, including the highest reaches of the Obama campaign, over the failure of big-moneyed conservative donors to swing the 2012 election.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) declared triumphantly during a Christian Science Monitor breakfast on Thursday morning that "Karl Rove's reputation is going to take a significant hit" after his nonprofit and super PAC arms shot blanks. Later that day, President Barack Obama's top adviser, David Axelrod, said that if he were one of those donors who had funded the Rove groups, he'd be "asking for a refund."

But beneath the gloating, there's a belief among party operatives that Obama was uniquely qualified to survive in the super PAC era. As Democratic lawmakers take stock of what happened on Tuesday, there is a renewed sense that, absent some form of campaign finance reform, they will be disadvantaged in future electoral cycles.

"I know some people are looking at the impact of [super PAC spending] on the president and saying it doesn't matter," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). "I think that overlooks the special characteristics of this presidential race and ignores the fact that it could have huge impacts on congressional races."

Unwilling to risk those impacts and genuinely concerned about the absence of campaign finance regulation, Van Hollen said he will re-introduce his Disclose Act during the next congressional session. The proposed law won't stop or change super PACs, but it would require nearly all outside groups that engage in political spending to identify their donors.

Whether Van Hollen's bill has any chance is another story. It failed in the last two Congresses, and with the conventional wisdom at least coalescing around the notion that outside money didn't make all that much of a difference in 2012, it may be even harder to pass this go-around.

Yet even Obama's own advisers, in their post-election bluster, argue that reforms are needed. In a follow-up statement to The Huffington Post, Axelrod marveled at how super PACs "pummeled the Senate [Democratic] nominees where, arguably, they should have had more influence, and they lost seats." But he added there was "no doubt" that the president "was well-fortified to take them on in ways future nominees may not."

There are several reasons why Obama was uniquely qualified to run in the post-Citizens United era. His ability to draw historic levels of youth and minority support provided one element of fortification against big money's influence. African-American turnout was higher in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida in 2012 than it was in 2008. One Obama staffer said that the reelection team could sense early on that the black community felt emotionally "protective" of the president in addition to being angered by various voter restriction laws pushed by Republican governors. By the time Election Day rolled around, the implications were clear. One campaign volunteer, who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said he spent Tuesday getting out the vote in predominantly black neighborhoods in Richmond, Va.

"Every door I knocked on, the person said they either had voted already or were going soon," the volunteer said. "I didn't really have to do much work."

The ability to turn out minority voters was a manifestation of the Obama campaign's robust ground game. Organizing for America will serve as a template to follow for future presidential candidates. But it won't be easy. A far-reaching, grass-roots-oriented infrastructure requires a legion of devoted volunteers and a never-ending reservoir of cash. And on that front, again, the Obama campaign was unique.

The most important attribute that allowed Obama to maneuver past the pro-Romney super PACs, however, was that he was already a defined figure. Top Obama aides were heartened when the public's perception of the president stayed largely positive despite months of hammering from outside groups.

"We had no idea what the impact of unlimited spending would be in this election -- we knew going in we would be outspent and wouldn't be able to counter it dollar for dollar on the air," said the Obama campaign's press secretary, Ben LaBolt. "We won't know the full scope of its impact for some time, but we helped diminish it by countering with a strong ground organization on the theory that a call from a friend or neighbor is more effective than any advertisement. And ultimately, the American people knew Barack Obama, his values, and what he stood for, and his numbers never went through seismic shifts throughout the course of the general election."

Whether a non-incumbent candidate with a smaller campaign infrastructure could withstand the super PAC spending that Obama faced is a proposition that may be tested in the next cycle.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden, two potential 2016 Democratic nominees, are well-known commodities. Having both served in the Obama administration, they have cachet among his followers. Clinton, in particular, could have the same type of emotional appeal for women voters that the president was able to invoke among African-Americans. She also could inspire the type of super PAC culture on the Democratic side that conservatives built in 2012.

But simply assuming that she or Biden could replicate the Obama model is a risk that Democrats aren't eager to take. And not just for the presidential contest. Even though Senate Democrats nearly swept the 2012 elections, the battle for the House was altered by outside cash.

"The influence of money is still pernicious, bad, and I would hope that reform of financial contributions would be something high up on the agenda in 2013," said Schumer, as a coda to his glee over Rove's 2012 failures.

Campaign finance reformers are already airing warnings that Tuesday's results should not be used as an excuse to maintain the status quo.

David Donnelly, Executive Director of Public Campaign Action Fund, declared, "This entire system is teetering, and those that argue super PACs don't have influence are whistling by the graveyard."

  • Birth Control Causes Prostate Cancer

    Earlier this year, a New Hampshire lawmaker came up with a new reason the government should not require health insurance companies to provide contraception. "As a man, would it interest you to know that Dr. Brownstein just published an article that links the pill to prostate cancer?" state Rep. Jeanine Notter (R) asked a male representative at the hearing, the <a href="" target="_hplink">Merrimack Patch reports</a>. "In the children that are born from these women?" he asked. Notter could not clearly explain the study or how the pill results in prostate cancer. The study described in <a href="" target="_hplink">the newsletter of Dr. David Brownstein, a physician and holistic practitioner in Michigan,</a> suggests men may ingest estrogen through environmental contamination, not in utero from mothers taking birth control. An author of the study <a href="" target="_hplink">told ABC News</a>, "This is just a hypothesis-generating idea. Women should not be throwing away the pill because of this."

  • Abortion Causes Breast Cancer

    The New Hampshire House in 2012 <a href="" target="_hplink">passed a bill </a>that would require doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the procedure can cause breast cancer. Here is an excerpt from the bill, sponsored by Notter: <blockquote>Materials that inform the pregnant woman that there is a direct link between abortion and breast cancer. It is scientifically undisputed that full-term pregnancy reduces a woman's lifetime risk of breast cancer. It is also undisputed that the earlier a woman has a first full-term pregnancy, the lower her risk of breast cancer becomes, because following a full-term pregnancy the breast tissue exposed to estrogen through the menstrual cycle is more mature and cancer resistant. In fact, for each year that a woman's first full-term pregnancy is delayed, her risk of breast cancer rises 3.5 percent. The theory that there is a direct link between abortion and breast cancer builds upon this undisputed foundation. During the first and second trimesters of pregnancy the breasts develop merely by duplicating immature tissues. Once a woman passes the thirty-second week of pregnancy (third trimester), the immature cells develop into mature cancer resistant cells. When an abortion ends a normal pregnancy, the woman is left with more immature breast tissue than she had before she was pregnant. </blockquote> There is <a href="" target="_hplink">no link between abortions and breast cancer</a>, according to the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society and other major health organizations. Similar provisions requiring doctors to make the abortion-breast cancer connection remain on the books in other state laws. Alaska, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas all inaccurately assert a risk in written counseling materials, according to the <a href="" target="_hplink">Guttmacher Institute</a>, a New York-based reproductive health research organization.

  • Birth Control Is A Sex Pill

    Rush Limbaugh showed he has no understanding of how birth control pills work when he attacked Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student barred from testifying as a Democratic witness at a congressional hearing about the Obama administration's contraception policy. Limbaugh <a href="" target="_hplink">called Fluke a "slut"</a> for needing lots of birth control to manage her sex life. "She wants to be paid to have sex," Limbaugh said. "She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex." Rick Santorum has also said that contraception encourages a bad kind of sex. Last year, in an interview with the Evangelical blog Caffeinated Thoughts, <a href="" target="_hplink">Santorum warned of the "dangers of contraception:"</a> <blockquote>"It's not OK because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They're supposed to be within marriage, they are supposed to be for purposes that are, yes, conjugal, but also [inaudible], but also procreative. That's the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act."</blockquote> <a href="" target="_hplink">Most women who have had sex have used contraception</a>. Birth control pills -- which are taken daily, regardless of how frequently a woman has sex -- may also be taken to manage endometriosis, ovarian cysts, acne or other health problems. A <a href="" target="_hplink">bill in Arizona proposed penalizing women who use the pill for non-medical reasons</a>.

  • Abortion Industry Is 'Selling Abortions'

    A Republican state legislator in Arizona <a href="" target="_hplink">wrote in an email to a constituent</a> earlier this year that she wanted to force women seeking abortions to watch the procedure first. "Personally I'd like to make a law that mandates a woman watch an abortion being performed prior to having a 'surgical procedure,'" state Rep. Terri Proud (R) wrote. The constituent responded by email that she was "speechless" and after <a href="" target="_hplink">a baffling exchange with Proud</a>, released the emails to the media. Facing national outrage, Proud<a href="" target="_hplink"> issued a statement</a>: <blockquote>For too long, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry have placed selling abortions above the health and safety of women. My message to a constituent last week emphasized my concerns with how abortion providers have not been honest with women about the realities of abortion, and the short and long-term risks of this dangerous surgical procedure.</blockquote> The notion that Planned Parenthood <a href="" target="_hplink">baits women into unwanted pregnancies by providing ineffective contraception</a> then profits off the abortions is nothing new, but it's as outrageous as it sounds. Abortions constitute <a href="" target="_hplink">3 percent</a> of Planned Parenthood's services, and the organization estimates it <a href="" target="_hplink">prevents more than 220,000 abortions each year</a> by providing contraception. Because Planned Parenthood is <a href="" target="_hplink">not allowed to use federal funds for abortions</a>, defunding the program may limit contraception services and result in more abortions.

  • Women Can't Get Pregnant From Rape

    Just before Idaho's Senate withdrew a mandatory ultrasound bill in March, a Republican bill sponsor <a href="" target="_hplink">made some startling comments about abortion and rape</a>. "Rape and incest was used as a reason to oppose this," said state Sen. Chuck Winder (R). "I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape. I assume that's part of the counseling that goes on." It wasn't the first time a lawmaker has suggested that women seeking abortions may lie about rape. Some anti-abortion activists actually believe that rape cannot result in pregnancy. <a href="" target="_hplink">Buzzfeed dug up a series of bizarre statements </a>Republicans have made about pregnancy, rape, juices not flowing and more. Here's one: <blockquote>The odds that a woman who is raped will get pregnant are "one in millions and millions and millions," said state Rep. Stephen Freind, R-Delaware County, the Legislature's leading abortion foe.<br> The reason, Freind said, is that the traumatic experience of rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that tends to kill sperm.<br> Two Philadelphia doctors specializing in human reproduction characterized Freind's contention as scientifically baseless.</blockquote> <a href="" target="_hplink">According to Planned Parenthood</a>, about 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy, and providing all rape victims with emergency contraception could prevent more than 22,000 unwanted pregnancies a year. <em><strong>Correction:</strong> A previous version of this text misstated the status of Idaho's mandatory ultrasound bill legislation. Lawmakers ultimately decided to table the measure.</em>

  • Prenatal Testing Leads To Abortion

    Former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum made prenatal testing a campaign issue in February when <a href="" target="_hplink">he declared</a> the tests are designed to "cull the ranks of the disabled in our society" by encouraging abortions. "Amniocentesis does, in fact, result more often than not in this country in abortions," <a href="" target="_hplink">Santorum, who has a severely disabled daughter, said on "Face the Nation."</a> "That is a fact." In fact, more than 90 percent of amniocenteses tests result in normal diagnoses, and half of fetuses diagnosed with severe abnormalities -- about 5 percent of those tested -- are aborted, <a href="" target="_hplink">according to PolitiFact</a>. A campaign spokeswoman for Obama <a href="" target="_hplink">condemned Santorum's comments</a> as "misinformed and dangerous" and pointed out that the tests help women have safer deliveries and healthier babies.

  • HPV Vaccine Causes Retardation

    Back when Rick Perry was campaigning for president, <a href="" target="_hplink">his rivals attacked him</a> for signing an executive order mandating the human papillomavirus vaccine for young girls, and misinformation quickly spread. Michele Bachmann <a href="" target="_hplink">insinuated that the vaccine causes mental retardation</a>, while Santorum spoke out against "having little girls inoculated at the force and compulsion of the government." The vaccine is safe and effective in preventing cervical cancer caused by certain strains of HPV, and Perry's 2007 executive order, which was overturned by the state legislature, would have allowed parents to opt out of having their daughters vaccinated. Dr. Renata Arrington-Sanders, a professor at Johns Hopkins University medical school, <a href="" target="_hplink">told HuffPost's Laura Bassett</a>: <blockquote>"The HPV vaccine has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated based on multiple medical reports that have been submitted through government databases. It's unfortunate that this particular vaccine is surrounded by a lot of controversy just because it's been labeled as an STD-prevention vaccine. We have similar vaccines, such as one for hepatitis B, that are also used in a mandated approach and have shown very successful rates with prevention."</blockquote>

  • Plan B Causes Abortions

    The debate over the Obama administration's contraception policy has yielded some puzzling claims about birth control and Plan B. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) <a href="" target="_hplink">addressed the House</a> in February, urging his colleagues to reverse Obama's mandate for health insurance coverage of "abortion-inducing drugs:" <blockquote>In recent days, Americans of every faith and political persuasion have mobilized in objection to a rule put forward by the Obama administration that constitutes an unambiguous attack on religious freedom in our country. This rule would require faith-based employers -- including Catholic charities, schools, universities, and hospitals -- to provide services they believe are immoral. Those services include sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs and devices, and contraception.</blockquote> Michele Bachmann called Plan B an abortion pill when she incorrectly criticized Obama for making the drug available over-the-counter -- an FDA recommendation the administration and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius <a href="" target="_hplink">rejected last year</a>. "The president can put abortion pills for girls 8 years of age, 11 years of age, on the bubblegum aisle," <a href="" target="_hplink">Bachmann said</a> at a "pro-life" town hall in December. Contraceptives, emergency or not, prevent pregnancy. They don't cause abortions. Plan B works in the same way and with the same ingredients as birth control pills, just at a higher dosage, and<a href="" target="_hplink"> does nothing to stop the development of a fetus</a>.

  • Your Fetus Is Just Fine

    The Arizona Senate<a href="" target="_hplink"> passed a bill</a> in March to protect doctors from "wrongful birth" lawsuits -- effectively allowing them to withhold information that may lead a patient to get an abortion. HuffPost's John Celock <a href="" target="_hplink">reports</a>: <blockquote>Sen. Nancy Barto (R-Phoenix) told the Claims Journal that she sponsored the law because she did not want claimants to blame a doctor for a baby born with disabilities. Under the provisions of her bill, a doctor could not be sued for medical malpractice if the doctor withholds information from a mother about a child's potential health issues that could influence her decision to have an abortion. In addition, a lawsuit could not be filed on the child's behalf regarding a disability.</blockquote> Kansas lawmakers <a href="" target="_hplink">have considered similar legislation</a>.

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