Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Most Outrageous Attack Ad Yet?

Thought a nasty campaign season couldn't get any worse? Look no further than Buffalo, NY.

A group called the Committee To Save The Erie County Republican Party has reportedly been circulating an incendiary attack ad lambasting a New York lawmaker for his deciding vote to legalize gay marriage in the state last year.

The ad, first reported by Politico, appeared in emails as two separate image attachments -- apparently meant as flip sides of a political mailer -- and accuses New York state Senator Mark Grisanti of exchanging his vote in favor of gay marriage for monetary gain.

One side of the ad reads:

How far will a politician go to get in your pant$?

For his Gay Marriage vote, Mark Grisanti received over $750,000. [The ad contains no evidence to substantiate this claim.]

Sometimes they're political whore$.

The other side:

Make sure your son says, "Thank you, Mark Grisanti"

The ad also features photos of two men arranged in steamy poses, which were reportedly lifted from a gay-porn company called Corbin Fisher. (The full ad is viewable at BuzzFeed.)

Grisanti, a Republican, had previously opposed marriage equality, switching his vote at the last-minute to join three other Republicans in securing legalization's passage. "I cannot deny a person, a human being, a taxpayer, a worker, the people of my district and across this state, the State of New York, and those people who make this the great state that it is the same rights that I have with my wife," the Buffalo-area politician said at the time.

Related on HuffPost:

  • Bryan Fischer: Gay Adoption Is 'A Form Of Child Abuse'

    The American Family Association evangelist sounded off on a controversial study about gay parenting, which claimed to find disadvantages for children raised by same-sex parents. Fischer spoke about the study on his "Focal Point" talk show, labeling adoption by same-sex couples as "a form of child abuse." Of course, Fischer didn't stop there, making a point to condemn gay sex, too. "The sex that's involved in homosexual behavior -- it's unnatural, it is immoral and it is unhealthy," he proclaimed.

  • Bryan Fischer Compares Gays To Cannibals

    "It is altogether right for a rational culture to discriminate against homosexual behavior," Fischer said. "I am saying, yes, that's exactly what DOMA does and it should...because [homosexuality] is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality...we ought to discriminate." Right Wing Watch also noted that Fischer's declarations echoed those made in a blog piece he wrote last week, in which he compared LGBT people to the disturbing spate of cannibalism cases currently making headlines.

  • Pastor Worley: Gays And Lesbians Should Be Put In An Electrified Pen And Ultimately Killed Off

    The pastor, identified on YouTube as Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C., condemns President Obama's much-publicized endorsement of same-sex marriage while calling for gays and lesbians to be put in an electrified pen and ultimately killed off. "Build a great, big, large fence -- 150 or 100 mile long -- put all the lesbians in there," Worley suggests in the clip, reportedly filmed on May 13. "Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can't get out...and you know what, in a few years, they'll die out...do you know why? They can't reproduce!"

  • Pastor Suggests Gays Should Be Prosecuted Like They Were Historically

    Ron Baity, founding pastor of Winston-Salem's Berean Baptist Church and head of the anti-marriage equality organization Return America, referred to homosexuality as "a perverted lifestyle" in a Sunday sermon before telling his congregation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people should be prosecuted, Good as You is reporting. "For 300 years, we had laws that would prosecute that lifestyle," he is quoted as saying. "We've gone down the wrong path. We've become so dumb that we have accepted a lie for the truth, and we've...discarded the truth on the shoals of shipwreck!"

  • Pastor Sean Harris: Parents Should 'Punch' Their Effeminate Children

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  • Pastor Slams Gay Marriage, Suggests Unions Between 'Person And A Beast' Could Be Next

    Tim Rabon, pastor at Raleigh's Beacon Baptist Church, condemned states such as Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maryland which have already "re-defined" marriage to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples. As heard in this recording, Rabon asked his congregation, "What is stopping them from refining marriage from a person and a beast? We're not far from that."

  • Tamara Scott: Gay Marriage Leads To Eiffel Tower Marriage

  • Bryan Fischer On Why Gays Are Responsible For The Nazi Party

  • Pastor Wooden Says Gay Sex Causes Gay Men To Need Diapers

  • Linda Harvey: Don't Let Gay Doctors Attend To Your Children

  • Robertson Compares Polygamy, Bestiality And Pedophilia To Gay Marriage

  • Scott Lively: Gay-Straight Alliances Are Designed To Recruit Kids

  • Tony Perkins: 'If You Want A Military That Just Does Parades,' Allow Gays To Openly Serve

  • James Robison: 'The Enemy' Is Using 'Glee' To Destroy America

  • Newt Gingrich: Gay Marriage A 'Perfect Example Of What I Mean By The Rise Of Paganism'

  • Daniel Lapin: Gays Should've Been Quarantined To fight AIDS

  • Pat Robertson Advises Father To Seek Ex-Gay Conversion For Gay Son

  • Bryan Fischer On How 'Poppers' And Promiscuity Causes AIDS

  • Liberty Counsel Warns That Macy's LGBT Policy Could Lead To Rape, Sexual Assault

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