Monday, October 22, 2012

PHOTOS: Mitt Romney's Football Sunday

'Let's see look at the captain, Gail's a captain is that right? Got a bracelet for you.This is a clear eyes full heart America can't lose. All right?" Romney said to communications adviser Gail Gitcho.

"Ashley's a captain. There ya go look at that," Romney said to The New York Times Ashley Parker.

"There ya go shake hands, shake hands," Romney told Gitcho and Parker.

Gitcho and Parker shook hands, and then Romney asked Parker if she was going to call the flip in the air.

"You're going to call it really? You want it to hit the ground?' he asked her.

'You can catch if you want," Parker said.

Romney decided to throw it up and let it drop, and Parker called tails, and after searching for the coin in the sand, Gitcho found it and announced that it was tails.

'Tails it is! That's the last call you guys are getting," Romney said.

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