Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chris Christie's Praise For Obama Frustrated Romney Campaign: Report

Romney insiders told Politico this week that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was Mitt Romney's first choice for the vice president, until he decided Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) would be a safer choice due to some problems with Christie.

The information comes just days before the 2012 election and was released in a story on Saturday, adding another narrative to the campaign as Romney and Ryan make their final pitch to voters. But it also comes during a week in which Christie has repeatedly praised President Barack Obama for his help during superstorm Sandy -- a move that, according to Politico, rankled the Romney campaign and could lead to tension should he become president:

From Politico:

In typical Christie fashion, there has been nothing understated about his role at each critical point, culminating with his tour with President Barack Obama on Marine One this week as they surveyed Sandy's havoc along the Jersey Shore.


The differences were papered over. Now, some Romney friends and donors are irked by Christie's embrace of Obama this week, which one referred to as 'over the top."

"If Romney wins, it won't be forgotten,' the adviser said. "If Romney loses, it doesn't matter."

Despite endorsing Romney early in the race and campaigning for him, when asked whether he had asked Romney to visit the state, Christie kept the focus on the damage to New Jersey in the wake of the storm. "If you think right now I give a damn about presidential politics, then you don't know me," he said on "Fox and Friends" Tuesday.

Read the full Politico story here.

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