Thursday, March 7, 2013

Joy Resmovits: Ed Today: Michelle Rhee Group Opens South Carolina Outfit; Common Core Supporters Strike Back

Michelle Rhee Sets Up Shop In SC StudentsFirst, the former D.C. chancellor's national lobbying group, is branching out into South Carolina, reports the Post and Courier. The paper notes that SC received a "D" grade on SF's recent policy report card -- not exactly stellar. On the group's SC agenda: turnarounds, teacher evaluations, charter school accountability, and the parent trigger.

Oh, and here's how one Carolina teacher reacted to the news. Though it should be noted that the SF teacher fellow quoted by the P&C was more positive.

Different Goals For Different Races? Under No Child Left Behind waivers, 34 states have been approved to have accountability plans that differ from the blunt yardstick of annual yearly progress ("AYP") as determined by the law. In fact, as you can see on this map created by Education Nation, many states have different academic goals for different races or ethnic groups. This variation set off major alarm bells in places like Virginia last year. Apparently, the map sets the state for an NBC Nightly News segment on the issue.

New Mexico Tosses School Grades? Lawmakers in New Mexico think the state's school-grading formula is "an inaccurate mess," according to the Current-Argis, so they voted to scrap it and replace it with a new one. Now, standardized tests constitute 90 percent of a school's grade -- a number too high for some senators.

Anti-Common Core Fight Slows In Alabama? A vote to scrap Alabama's participation in the Common Core standards, a set of learning goals most states have adopted, has been delayed, reports Why the wait? "To give people on both sides of the issue more time to get unconfused," the site reports.

Meanwhile In Florida... Pols down south don't think they can make the Common Core deadlines, reports the Tampa Bay Times. "Many teachers have not been trained. The FCAT's successor is still being developed," the paper reports. "State officials have yet to figure out how it will mesh with Florida's school accountability system."

And In Indiana... National advocacy group Stand for Children is going to the mat to protect the Common Core in the Hoosier state. The push includes TV and radio advertisements.

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