A Kentucky resident's farm is now in jeopardy after he was allegedly fired from his job for being gay.
Buzzfeed exclusively reports the story of Kevin McCaffery, whose 18-acre LLA-Nanny Farms is home to rescued llamas, cats, dogs, chickens, donkeys and pigs.
Some years ago, McCaffery returned to work as the director of an Ashland day care center, but was eventually forced by officials to resign, despite a "spotless" record, after he says he was mocked and teased for being gay.
As Buzzfeed points out, McCaffery sued for wrongful termination, but there is no state law in place regarding anti-gay discrimination -- even though some colleagues went as far as to deem him "twinkle toes."
Despite having resorted to buying cheaper food for his animals, McCaffery is now struggling to fund LLA-Nanny Farms. He's since launched a GoFundMe donation page in an effort to raise money for the menagerie. Ar present, over $15,000 in money has been raised since McCaffery's story broke on Buzzfeed and was subsequently reported by The Daily Mail and other media outlets.
In November, college volleyball coach James Finley came forward with allegations of workplace discrimination, claiming he was fired for being gay.
Earlier this month, a straight, married assistant principal of an Ohio Catholic school was terminated after he penned an emotional blog post backing gay marriage on his personal website.
H/T Buzzfeed
Gay Music Teacher Fired After Revealing Plans To Marry Partner
A Missouri-based gay music teacher at an area Catholic school was recently dismissed from his job after authorities learned of his plans to wed his male partner of 20 years in New York.
Al Fischer was reportedly fired Feb. 17, 2012 from St. Ann Catholic School in north St. Louis County, where he'd worked for four years. Fischer did not comment directly about his dismissal, but instead referred to an email sent to his students' parents after he was terminated.
"A family conversation about whether or not justice was served here could be a great thing," he wrote. "I do not want the lesson from this for the kids to be, 'Keep your mouth shut, hide who you are or what you think if it will get you in trouble.'"
Fischer's partner, Charlie Robin, told the paper that the couple's relationship was not a secret at the school, and that Fischer was only fired after a representative of the St. Louis Archdiocese overheard him talking to co-workers about his wedding plans.
<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/29/al-fischer-gay-music-teacher-fired_n_1311324.html" target="_hplink">Read the full story here</a>.
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