Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First NBA Player Joins Gay Rights Sports Group

WASHINGTON -- Denver Nuggets star Kenneth Faried has become the first NBA player to join an organization devoted to fighting homophobia in sports, and said he hopes his involvement will raise awareness of gay rights in professional basketball.

Equal rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community is close to the heart of Faried, nicknamed the "Manimal" for his fierceness on the court. The 23-year-old forward was raised in New Jersey by two mothers, who married in 2007. Faried recently appeared with his mothers in a video for the advocacy group OneColorado, to encourage Colorado to legalize civil unions.

"Becoming an Athlete Ally gives me the opportunity to spread a message of inclusiveness throughout the NBA and our country," said Faried in a statement to The Huffington Post, referring to the non-profit group that advocates for gay rights in sports. "I have two moms and I love them both very much. I respect, honor and support them in every way. The bond I have with them has made me realize that I want all members of the LGBT community -- whether they are parents, players, coaches or fans -- to feel welcome in the NBA and in all of our communities."

As a member of Athlete Ally, Faried joins Brendon Ayanbadejo of the Baltimore Ravens, Chris Kluwe of the Minnesota Vikings, Scott Fujita of the Cleveland Browns, Connor Barwin of the Houston Texans, as well as professional international sports stars and college players.

"In the last month, we have seen seven professional athletes around the world align with Athlete Ally," said Hudson Taylor, executive director of Athlete Ally and a wrestling coach at Columbia University. "Kenneth is standing out not only as an incredible talent, but as an incredible ally. We are thrilled to have him on board and grateful to the NBA for its continued leadership."

Kathy Behrens, the NBA executive vice president for social responsibility and player programs, also applauded Faried's involvement in the group.

"We are proud to work with Athlete Ally and thank Kenneth for his leadership on this issue," Behrens said. "His support on this issue is a welcome step in the NBA's ongoing efforts to raise awareness about and end homophobia in sports."

The effort to promote acceptance and equality in sports received a boost on Sunday, when Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant admonished a fan who tweeted "You're gay" as an insult to another fan.

"Just letting you know@PacSmoove @pookeo9 that using 'your gay' as a way to put someone down ain't ok! #notcool delete that out ur vocab," tweeted Bryant, who was fined $100,000 in April for using a gay slur during a game.

"When you look at Kobe's tweets from Sunday it demonstrates the enormous progress we're making in changing the culture of sports," Brian Ellner, who led the fight to legalize marriage equality in New York and serves on the Athlete Ally board of directors, told The Huffington Post. "Coming off of Brendon Ayanbadejo's much publicized advocacy at the Super Bowl you now have one of the most accomplished and famous athletes in the world tweeting about respecting gay people. We're at a tipping point."

Not a single man has ever come out as gay while playing for a major U.S. professional sports team. Ayanbadejo recently wrote in a USA Today op-ed that prejudice needs to end among athletes in order to pave the way for a gay Jackie Robinson.

Last year, Athlete Ally and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation worked with the NBA to provide an LGBT awareness training to rookies. That training program will continue in 2013.

  • Brendon Ayanbadejo

    Baltimore Raven linebacker, Brendon Ayanbadejo, has been a vocal long-time supporter of marriage equality. The football player <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendon-ayanbadejo/same-sex-marriages-whats_b_190591.html">blogged about same-sex marriages</a> for The Huffington Post in 2009, made a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/07/brendon-ayanbadejo-ravens-emmett-burns-marriage_n_1863488.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices&ir=Gay%20Voices">video for Marylanders for Marriage Equality</a>, and donated Ravens tickets to the cause, which drew <a href="http://www.wbaltv.com/news/politics/Delegate-unhappy-with-Ravens-player-s-support-of-same-sex-marriage/-/9379266/16487740/-/mro08gz/-/index.html?absolute=true">criticism from Baltimore County Delegate Emmett Burns Jr. in late August</a>.

  • Chris Kluwe

    Chris Kluwe, Minnesota Vikings punter, lashed out <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-kluwe/an-open-letter-to-emmett-burns_b_1866216.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices">at Baltimore County Delegate Emmett Burns Jr.</a> in a letter of his own. Kluwe asked in <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/09/sports/football/players-support-of-gay-marriage-alters-nfl-image.html">his letter</a>, 'How does gay marriage, in any way, shape or form, affect your life?'

  • Hudson Taylor

    Hudson Taylor, a three-time all-American wrestler from the University of Maryland, <a href="http://www.advocate.com/sports/2012/09/06/hudson-taylor-takes-his-training-road"> (and HuffPost Gay Voices <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/hudson-taylor/">blogger</a>) started his foundation, Athlete Ally</a>, which encourages 'all individuals involved in sports to respect every member of their communities, regardless of perceived or actual sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression,' in January 2011. Athlete Ally teamed up with GLAAD and they recently announced that the NBA is the first major sports league that will receive sensitivity training from Taylor's organization.

  • Sean Avery

    Retired New York Ranger Sean Avery caused a splash last year when he became, what's believed, the first pro athlete to voice <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/08/sports/hockey/08avery.html?_r=0">support for gay marriage</a> in New York. Since then, Avery teamed up with fellow ally, Hudson Taylor, <a href="http://www.athleteally.com/blog/entry/former-new-york-ranger-sean-avery-joins-athlete-ally-board1">joining in Athlete Ally's message</a> of combating homophobia in sports.

  • David Pocock

    Australian rugby player David Pocock says he will not marry until <a href="http://outsports.com/jocktalkblog/2012/08/21/aussie-rugby-player-david-pocock-schools-politician-on-gay-marriage/">gay marriage is made legal Down Under</a>. 'We've moved forward on so many issues and this is the next progression,' Pocock said while appearing on the Australian Broadcasting Company TV show 'Q&A" in August.

  • Michael Irvin

    Michael Irvin, former Dallas Cowboy and NFL Hall of Famer, appeared on <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/12/michael-irvin-out-magazine-cover_n_896468.html">Out magazine's cover</a> last July. Irvin spoke out for LGBT rights and marriage equality, citing his late gay brother's passing. He also said he would <a href="http://www.out.com/entertainment/sports/2011/07/10/michael-irvin-playmaker-preaches">support any athlete</a> in the NFL, NBA, NHL or MLB who comes out.

  • Donte Stallworth

    Donte Stallworth, former Baltimore Raven and teammate of Brendon Ayanbadejo, showed his support on Twitter, tweeting a string of <a href="http://www.towleroad.com/2011/05/nfl-player-donté-stallworth-tweets-against-anti-gay-hate-in-favor-of-marriage-equality.html">messages for marriage equality and LGBT rights</a>.

  • Floyd Mayweather Jr.

    Boxing champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/17/floyd-mayweather-gay-marriage-pacquiao-obama_n_1524155.html">tweeted his support for gay marriage</a>, backing up the President after Obama made his own endorsement announcement in May. On the other hand, Mayweather's rival, Manny Pacquiao, said <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/16/manny-pacquiao-gay-marriage-leviticus-examiner_n_1521747.html">he believes marriage is between a man and a woman</a>.

  • Sergio Martinez

    Argentinian boxer Sergio Martinez <a href="http://www.itgetsbetter.org/video/entry/3272/">made a video</a> for the 'It Gets Better Project' last March. The 37-year-old Martinez was <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/sports/boxing/story/2012-03-13/boxing-martinez/53540206/1">bullied himself growing up</a> and helps others who have been the victims of bullying.

  • Charles Barkley

    In true Charles Barkley fashion, the NBA Hall of Famer has been a long-time supporter of gay marriage and gay rights, making tongue-in-cheek (yet admirable) comments as <a href="http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2566899">early as 2006</a>. Barkley <a href="http://www.advocate.com/news/daily-news/2011/01/18/charles-barkley-loves-gay-people">said on-air last year</a>, 'God bless the gay people. They are great people.' And in response to Sean Avery's advocacy, Barkley added he'd have <a href="http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gameon/post/2011/05/media-watch-charles-barkley-on-gay-athletes----we-dont-care/1#.UFCet0JAsu9">no problem playing with an openly gay teammate</a>.

  • Steve Nash

    When Phoenix Suns president and CEO <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/16/sports/basketball/nba-executive-says-he-is-gay.html?pagewanted=all">Rick Welts came out</a> to NBA all-star Steve Nash, he said he'd support Welts. Soon after, Nash <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/23/steve-nash-supports-marriage-equality_n_865429.html">made a video</a> for HRC's New Yorkers for Marriage Equality campaign, saying he's proud to be a part of a growing group of athletes speaking out for gay marriage.

  • Rick Fox

    Although he hasn't explicitly said anything about gay rights, retired three-time NBA champion Rick Fox, appeared as a guest judge on <a href="http://www.logotv.com/video/episode-2-season-4-wtf-wrestlings-trashiest-fighters/1678533/playlist.jhtml#vid=721347">'RuPaul's Drag Race' season four</a>. Plus, his former ex, Vanessa Williams (gay icon, at least to Raja, Drag Race season three winner) was also on the show the season before. If this isn't a sign of LGBT support, what is?

  • John Salley

    'Let [gay people] go through what [straight people] go through,' said John Salley, former Detroit Piston bad boy, who made light of his support for gay marriage on <a href="http://www.myfoxla.com/video?clipId=7251666&autostart=true">Good Day LA back in 2010</a>. Recently, Salley appeared alongside fellow former NBA player Rick Fox on <a href="http://www.logotv.com/video/episode-2-season-4-wtf-wrestlings-trashiest-fighters/1678533/playlist.jhtml#vid=721347">RuPaul's Drag Race' season four</a>, another reason to love the charismatic b-ball player.

  • Manu Ginobili

    When Argentina became the first Latin American country to legalize same-sex marriage two years ago, homegrown NBA star Manu Ginobili <a href="http://outsports.com/jocktalkblog/2010/07/16/manu-ginobli-supports-gay-marriage/">threw in his support.</a>

  • Michael Strahan

    Michael Strahan, retired New York Giant and new co-host of 'LIVE! with Kelly and Michael,' <a href="http://www.hrc.org/videos/videos-michael-strahan-for-hrcs-nyers-for-marriage-equality#.UFC8s0JAsu8">made a video</a> for HRC's New Yorkers for Marriage campaign. <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/michael-strahan-fun-facts-newest-live-host/story?id=17147911#.UFC9pUJAsu8">He said</a>, 'I feel it's unfair to keep committed couples from being married."

  • Scott Fujita

    Cleveland Browns player Scott Fujita first voiced his support for gay marriage in 2009, reacting and <a href="http://outsports.com/jocktalkblog/2009/10/01/new-orleans-saint-scott-fujita-supports-marriage/">agreeing with fellow NFL colleague Brendon Ayanbadejo</a>. Two years later, Fujita continued his LGBT advocacy, <a href="http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/scott-fujita-joins-hrcs-americans-for-marriage-equality">taping a PSA</a> for the HRC's Americans for Marriage Equality initiative.

  • Ben Cohen

    One very active <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/14/sports/two-straight-athletes-combat-homophobia.html?pagewanted=all">straight ally is Ben Cohen</a>, an English rugby world cup champion, who retired to start <a href="http://www.standupfoundation.com/">The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation</a>, which 'supports organizations, programs and people that advance equality for the LGBT community and help for at-risk youth by standing up against bullying.' Cohen recently stripped down to his underwear to benefit his organization and <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/06/ben-cohen-strips-for-equa_n_1747838.html">spoke with Huffington. in August</a>. He said, 'No one should have to tolerate that [bullying], no matter what your sexual orientation, the color of your skin, your size or the color of your hair is.'

  • Cristiano Ronaldo

    Popular soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo said, 'We must respect the choices made by anyone, because, after all, all citizens should have the exact same rights and responsibilities,' when asked about the passage of <a href="http://www.advocate.com/news/daily-news/2010/06/02/cristiano-ronaldo-supports-gay-marriage">gay marriage in his home country of Portugal</a> in 2010.

  • Jesse Ventura

    The sports-entertainment world of wrestling has had its fair share of homophobic culture in the news. Though there have been anti-gay remarks made by <a href="http://www.cagesideseats.com/2011/3/25/2071241/glaad-forces-wwe-and-john-cena-to-knock-off-the-homophobic-jokes">John Cena</a>, <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2011/07/04/cm-punk-wwe-wrestler-wrestling-homo-homophobic-slur-australia/">CM Punk</a> and <a href="http://www.towleroad.com/2011/03/wwe-commentator-.html">Michael Cole</a>, Jesse Ventura, former Minnesota governor and wrestler, has <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/14/jesse-ventura-vote-no-minnesota-governor-pro-wrestler-same-sex-marriage-antigay-amendment_n_1884626.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices">lent his support for gay marriage</a>. Ventura, who appears alongside his wife, Terry, in a video for "<a href="http://mnunited.org">Minnesotans United for All Families</a>," an initiative asking voters to say no to a 2012 constitutional amendment that says marriage is between a man and a woman. Ventura said, "Government should not be telling people who to fall in love with."

  • Various Athletes Pose For NOH8

    Former NBA star, Isiah Thomas, poses with his son for NOH8, a campaign that advocates gay marriage and LGBT rights. Other pro athletes who've participated: football players <a href="http://outsports.com/jocktalkblog/2011/05/11/carolina-panthers-linebacker-nic-harris-does-portrait-for-the-noh8-campaign/">Nic Harris, Antonio Cromartie and Isaac Keys</a>, all-American wrestler <a href="http://www.noh8campaign.com/photo-gallery/familiar-faces-part-2/photo/12954">Hudson Taylor</a>, and soccer player <a href="http://www.noh8campaign.com/photo-gallery/familiar-faces-part-2/photo/15572">Mike Chabala</a>.

  • Grant Hill And Jared Dudley

    Last May, NBA players Grant Hill and Jared Dudley made a PSA announcement for the <a href="http://thinkb4youspeak.com">'Think B4 You Speak' campaign</a>, where the athletes denounce using the word gay to mean "dumb" or "stupid." The video was a three-way partnership among the NBA, GLSEN and the Ad Council.

  • Teams And Athletes Join The It Gets Better Project

    The San Francisco 49ers became the <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/24/san-francisco-49ers-it-gets-better-campaign-_n_1828488.html">first NFL team to make a video</a> for the "It Gets Better Project," in August. Other sports teams who have made videos include L.A. Dodgers, Philadelphia Phillies, Tampa Bay Rays, Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Sox, Chicago Cubs, and the San Francisco Giants.

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