Saturday, June 16, 2012

Justice Pokes Fun At Health Care Guessing Game

Image of Justice Pokes Fun At Health Care Guessing Game

WASHINGTON ' Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says those who are guessing publicly what the court will say on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care law don't know, and those who know aren't saying.

The 79-year-old Ginsburg was speaking at the national convention of the liberal-leaning American Constitution Society.

Ginsburg said the health care arguments were some of the most closely watched in recent history, given the number of "press conferences, prayer circles, protests, counter-protests" going on during the arguments. She said justices were now wading through "knee-high" stacks of briefs.

The court is expected to make its decision in the next couple of weeks.

Below, more background on the health care law's legal challenge: U.S. District Judge George Caram Steeh, a Clinton appointee sitting in the Eastern District of Michigan, released the first major Affordable Care Act decision in October 2010. In Thomas More Law Center v. Obama, Steeh sided with the government to hold the law constitutional.

"The decision whether to purchase insurance or to attempt to pay for health care out of pocket is plainly economic," Steeh wrote. "These decisions, viewed in the aggregate, have clear and direct impacts on health care providers, taxpayers and the insured population, who ultimately pay for the care provided to those without insurance."

Also on HuffPost:

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