Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scott Walker Gives Mitt Romney Some Advice

Image of Scott Walker Gives Mitt Romney Some Advice

WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), who survived a recall attempt last week, said on Sunday that Mitt Romney will be successful in swing states if he runs on a Reagan-esque platform.

"I just hope he takes a page out of President Reagan's playbook in 1980, where it was not only a referendum on the failed policies of President Carter, it was also something where President Reagan laid out a clear plan," he told Bob Schieffer on CBS's "Face the Nation."

Walker said he believed Romney will be able to lay out such a plan, citing his past experience in the private sector.

"I hope he goes big and he goes bold," he said. "I think he's got the capacity to do that. I don't think we win if it's just about a referendum on Barack Obama. I think it's got to be more."

Schieffer also asked about Romney's recent comments on the Wisconsin recall election, which the candidate said reaffirmed the message that the American people do not want more teachers, firefighters or police officers.

"Is that the message? Do the American people want fewer cops and fewer teachers and fewer firemen?" the host asked.

"Well, I think it's slightly different," Walker replied. "I think in our case what they wanted is people willing to take on the tough issues, not only here in Wisconsin but across the country. And I think Governor Romney's got a shot, if the R next to his name doesn't just stand for Republican, it stands for reformer."

He said the recall's outcome doesn't mean Wisconsin will be a sure win for Romney, but it suggests the state will be in play, particularly if he picks a strong platform.

"I think that can win in Wisconsin, and I think that can win in other states," Walker said.

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