Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Gay King Or Queen? British Lawmaker Pushes For Equal Rights

If Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge have a gay son or daughter, that child may have equal rights to the throne -- that is, if one British politician's clause to the royal succession law is approved.

Members of Parliament (MPs) are in the process of debating the succession to the royal crown, namely the addition of an amendment that would protect the right of Kate and William's possible daughter to her position in line to the throne. But Paul Flynn, of the British Labour Party, wants to push the debate one step further by adding an amendment that would protect the rights of a gay child.

Via Flynn's personal blog:

One of the new clauses I am proposing is to future proof the monarchy from charges of discrimination by giving same-sex partnerships the same validity as heterosexual ones in the rights of succession. I am not optimistic that my amendments will be called but I and a few others will be ready to contribute.

James Park, a reporter for U.K. LGBT blog Pink News, explains:

If accepted, the change to the law could lea[d] to the reign of an openly gay or lesbian king or queen and for their same-sex partner to be recognised as consort. Any children born to the couple through artificial insemination or surrogacy would succeed to the throne so long as the couple are in a same-sex marriage or civil partnership.

The amendment regarding same-sex royals would need the approval of John Bercow, the speaker of the House of Commons, in order to move on to full debate, notes. Bercow has been a proponent of LGBT rights and is the honorary president of the Kaleidoscope Trust, an LGBT rights group that promotes diversity and freedom from unlawful discrimination.

The Royal Succession Bill received its first reading on Tuesday. A number of MPs fought for the removal of all discrimination from the royal succession rule, according to the Telegraph, but some still believe changing the law could prove to be a "Pandora's box," the Telegraph notes.

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