Friday, January 18, 2013

Daniel Gross: Now Is the Time. Now It's Up to Us!

One month ago, 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School lost their lives in a senseless act of gun violence that never should have happened. President Barack Obama called it the worst day of his administration.

Following the tragedy in Newtown, the White House asked the Brady Campaign for recommendations for serious, game-changing legislation to reduce gun injuries and deaths. Yesterday -- after weeks of discussion with stakeholders from all sides of the often-contentious gun issue -- President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden announced a comprehensive roadmap for progress on preventing gun violence. We, at the Brady Campaign, are proud to have had the opportunity to share our policy suggestions with the White House Task Force and we are pleased to see our ideas reflected in the final recommendations.

But make no mistake... This is only the first step toward making America a safer, more secure nation. Those who oppose common-sense measures to prevent gun violence are counting on fear, misinformation campaigns, and political gridlock going forward. Now it's up to the American people to make sure Congress takes action.

That's why it's so important for all of us to stay engaged on this issue. In the coming weeks, the Brady Campaign will work with President Obama and members of Congress to ensure all Americans have a voice in our ongoing national conversation about gun violence.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent; whether you own a gun or you don't, we all want a safer nation, and your voice is crucial. We all want an America where our children can go to school, a house of worship, or a movie theater without the horror of deadly violence.

Join us! Visit us at and add your voice to the movement. There is much to do in the days ahead. But I believe -- as you do -- that America is ready to do better.

Now it's up to us to make real change happen!

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